It isn’t always easy when you don’t speak the native language, to get in touch with likeminded people, certainly if you are specifically looking out for a community where people share a passion for spirituality and growth. This International Circle however gives you the opportunity to experience a deep sense of connection with others. This programma allows you to embark upon an exciting and rewarding journey of self discovery, self development and self mastery. In this programme we take an holistic approach towards personal development and spiritual growth, which means that you will have the opportunity to develop yourself mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically and spiritually each session.
Self discovery is the process of increasing your awareness and understanding about who you really are, your true self: your core qualities, your core values, your true feelings and needs, your heartfelt desires and your life purpose. You might have naturally learned some of these things about yourself over time. Yet, most of us have lost touch with our essence, core values and purpose. As a result we lack a clear sense of focus and direction about the things that will bring us true joy and fulfillment.
Participating in the International Circle allows you to embark on this journey of self discovery and offers you the opportunity to increase your awareness about who you really are. But it also allows you to become much more aware of what you are not. Because instead of living in the now, leading an authentic life, we tend to identify ourselves with the personality or mind made self that we have developed overtime. As a result we have given much of our power and freedom away to the many behavioral patterns we have created.
Self-discovery is an ongoing process and joining the Circle will help you with tools and guidance to facilitate that process. It requires your willingness to dive in and examine all areas of your life, as well as the courage to stick to the process, even when it feels uncomfortable at times.
In the process of looking inward, you will learn many many things about yourself that will have a profound and lasting impact on the quality of your life, relationships and work. And after each session you will experience a higher degree of inner peace, freedom and joy, which are some of the many fruits that a journey of discovery and spiritual growth will bring.
Experience the freedom and joy of living in the Now
“There hasn’t been any other place where I felt so safe, respected and connected as in the Circle of Zelfbewust Academy”
In this programme we take a holistic approach towards personal development and spiritual growth, which means that you will have the opportunity to develop yourself mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically and spiritually each session. Consider each Circle-session as a sort of a mini-retreat in which you take quality time for relaxation, reflection, introspection and contemplation. The teachings, processes and exercises that we introduce in this programme are based on natural laws and universal principles for human growth. During the sessions we integrate en blend traditional eastern philosophies and practices (such as Taoïsm, Zazen, Prana breathing, Shindo, Tibetan Yoga, Shaolin, Tantra en Qigong) with the latest (western) scientific research. We will only introduce practical philosophies, exercises and techniques which in our own experience have a significant and proven impact on your wellbeing and development. John (who has lived in Asia for many years) has been applying, testing and using these techniques for up to 40 years now. John (facilitator of this programma) about this Circle: ‘From my own experience (having lived abroad) I know that it isn’t always easy when you don’t speak the native language, to get in touch with likeminded people, certainly if you are specifically looking out for a community where people share a passion for spirituality and growth. This International Circle however gives you the opportunity to experience a deep sense of connection with others, provided that you are willing to be open and honest about your own life, but curious and sensitive about the experiences of others at the same time. When a group of people comes to together who share an individual commitment to personal growth and development – the energy and synergy that’s unleashed in the group, accelerates and deepens the growth of every Circle-member. And for those magic moments we are grateful each session’
What this unique programme has to offer:
Every session will give you the opportunity to gain new insights, important self discoveries and powerful breakthroughs. Some of the benefits which are often mentioned by participants are: ,
- Higher level of self awareness
- Breakthroughs in all areas of life
- Higher degree of self acceptance
- More in touch with feelings, needs and heartfelt desires
- Increased sense of inner peace, freedom and joy
- Stressrelease, deep relaxation, feeling more grounded
- Deepening and strengthening of relationships
- Clear vision for the future and stronger sense of direction
- Increase of energy, vitality and lust for life
This programme will be facilitated by John Schrederhof, founder of Zelfbewust Academy and spiritual teacher who has guided about 25000 people from 28 countries on their path of personal and spiritual development in the past 23 years
The sessions will be held at Landgoed Zonheuvel, Amersfoortseweg 98 in Doorn, a beautiful venue which is located in the woods.
The annual membership fee is €600,-
This fee does not include the cost for catering at the venue.
Upcoming circle-sessions:
- Friday September 29th 2023
- Friday December 1st 2023
Ik ben er graag bij!
What participants share about the Circle
'The Circle-sessions offer me new insights each time and they always seem to come at the right time in my life. They evoke in me the inspiration and energy to rise above the challenges that I'm facing at that moment in my life'
"Participating in the Circle allows me to grow personaly as well as professionaly. Each time we get together I experience the safety, trust and space to be honest to myself and to deeply reflect. Since I became a member of the Circle I have grown my sense of personal leadership considerably and my level of self awareness significantly'
'Do you recognise the consideration that you are to busy to invest time in yourself? Attending the Circle-sessions help me to focus on self care and to better prioritise my personal needs. Since I have joined this programme I make important choices more consciously and experience much more ease and relaxation in my life'
Would you like to participate?
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